Parking Permits

Please take a moment to  click here  and read our Rules, Policies, and Procedures.

To obtain an ePermit,按照适用于您的部分中列出的说明进行操作.

记住,电子许可证是虚拟的,使用KU体育车牌来识别KU体育车辆, so be sure to enter this correctly!

Students ( Blue, Green, and Black Lots)

Your ePermit allows you to park on FAU campuses. 任何停放在校园内的车辆必须持有电子许可证.

可用停车场的彩色谷歌地图是   available here .

Blue (Commuter) ePermit Holders

作为一个通勤者,你被分配了一个蓝色的虚拟许可证. You are allowed to park in all of the blue lots. 蓝色许可车辆可以在下午6点至早上7点之间停在红色停车场  unless otherwise posted. 蓝色许可证可在白天早上6点至晚上11点停放在PBSC 40号地段. Overnight parking is not permitted, 在晚上11点到早上6点之间,任何车辆不得停放在PBSC停车场. 

Green (On-Campus Resident) ePermit Holders

作为校内住宿学生,您将获得绿色电子许可证. You are allowed to park in all of the green lots. 除非另有说明,绿色许可证可在下午6点至早上7点之间停在蓝色和红色许可证的地段. PBSC 40号地块禁止任何绿色许可证进入.  


作为朱庇特的常驻学生,你将被分配一个黑色的电子许可证. 您可以在朱庇特校区的黑色停车场和所有其他FAU校区的蓝色停车场停车.

Please note that your Profile is NOT your permit!


  1. Go to the  Parking & Transportation Website.
  2. 点击快速链接/子菜单中的“停车登录”
  3. Click on the blue “FAU Parking Login” button
  4. Sign in with your FAUNet ID and password.
  5. Click on the “Buy Permits” tile
  6. 从下拉列表中选择分配给您的许可类型. 如果您认为所分配的许可类型有错误, or there is an error, please contact us.
  7. 从下拉菜单中选择许可证类型后,单击“购买”
  8. Fill out the form with your vehicle information.
  9. Click “Submit”
  10. 检查您的电子邮件,确认您的许可证现在处于付费状态. If you received this email you are all set.


Changing cars? 

如果您将临时租用或借用车辆,您可以选择将车辆添加到您的帐户中,并将电子许可证附加到新车上. 一旦您的车辆访问权限结束,您就可以将其移除.

To make changes to your Selected Vehicle list:

  1. Go to the  Parking & Transportation Website.
  2. 点击快速链接/子菜单中的“停车登录”
  3. Click on the blue “FAU Parking Login” button
  4. Sign in with your FAUNet ID and password.
  5. Click on the “My Permits” tile
  6. Click “View” on your current active permit
  7. 向下滚动到您选择的车辆列表,找到“添加新车辆,点击这里”.” And Click “here”
  8. Make the necessary changes and save and submit.


Harbor Branch & Broward Campus

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

Florida Atlantic University
5600 US 1 North, Fort Pierce, FL 34946
Ph: 772.242.2247

Broward Campus in the Owl Card Center

Davie Campus, Student Union Room 201
Ph: 954.236.1549

Fort Lauderdale Campus

在劳德代尔堡的停车场停车需要一个停车吊牌. 为FAU学生保留的区域位于6楼, sections A, C, E, and on the rooftop – the 7th floor.


请访问我们的办公室在博卡校园苏-80楼获得有效的吊牌停放在停车场. Have your z-number ready when you arrive.

Faculty, Staff, and Employees

Obtaining an ePermit

Your ePermit allows you to park on FAU campuses. 任何停放在校园内的车辆必须持有电子许可证. 您的电子许可证将允许您在校园的红色和蓝色停车场停车.

请注意,新员工可能无法立即访问他们的停车门户帐户. 如果您有问题访问您的帐户,请发送电子邮件到我们的办公室


Please note that your Profile is NOT your permit!

To obtain an ePermit:

  1. Go to the  Parking & Transportation Website.
  2. 点击快速链接/子菜单中的“停车登录”
  3. Click on the blue “FAU Parking Login” button
  4. Sign in with your FAUNet ID and password.
  5. Click on the “Buy Permits” tile
  6. 从下拉列表中选择分配给您的许可类型. 如果您认为所分配的许可类型有错误, or there is an error, please contact us.
  7. 从下拉菜单中选择许可证类型后,单击“购买”
  8. Fill out the form with your vehicle information.
    1. If you are selecting to pay by credit card, 提交车辆信息后,付款门户将打开.
    2. If you are selecting payroll, please ensure that “Payroll” is selected, and in the notes box, 指定您希望从允许的指定金额中扣除多少工资.
  9. Click “Submit”
  10. 检查您的电子邮件,确认您的许可证现在处于付费状态. If you received this email you are all set.

Changing cars? 

如果您将临时租用或借用车辆,您可以将车辆添加到您的帐户中,并将电子许可证附加到新车辆上. 一旦您的车辆访问权限结束,您就可以将其移除.

To make changes to your Selected Vehicle list:

  1. Go to the  Parking & Transportation Website.
  2. 点击快速链接/子菜单中的“停车登录”
  3. Click on the blue “FAU Parking Login” button
  4. Sign in with your FAUNet ID and password.
  5. Click on the “My Permits” tile
  6. Click “View” on your current active permit
  7. 向下滚动到您选择的车辆列表,找到“添加新车辆,点击这里”.” And Click “here”
  8. Make the necessary changes and save and submit.


谷歌地图上有可用的停车场 here.  


Guests, Visitors, and Volunteers


对于非fau附属公司,要获得电子许可证,你必须使用我们的按车牌付费系统. 这些包括使用我们的仪表或ParkMobile应用程序或网站.


我们为短期来学校的访客提供了计时器和计价器. 你可以在校园的不同地点购买多功能公寓. All meters on all FAU campuses are $2.每小时50英镑(不接受现金),不退款. All meters are enforced 24/7.

Only vehicles without 持有FAU电子许可证的人士可在该处停车.  如果您对计价器有疑问,请致电561-297-2771与办公室联系.

How to Use a Multi-space Meter

  1. Note your license plate number. 按键盘上的开始键激活,如果空白.
  2. Press 1 to pay with a credit card
  3. Enter license plate number
  4. Make Payment with a credit card
  5. 请带好收据(保留收据,以备以后需要加时间时使用).) The receipt does not need to be displayed.

Multi-space Meter Locations

Lot 7 Alumni Center / Office Depot Center
Lot 19 Library
Administration Circle
Palm Beach Plaza


ParkMobile App / Website

The ParkMobile app can be downloaded from the Apple Appstore or the Google Playstore.  


通过ParkMobile应用程序支付停车费,你可以在任何黄色停车场停车, blue lot or parking garage. All FAU campuses are $2.每小时50英镑(不接受现金),不退款. Parking is enforced 24/7.


Volunteering on Campus

志愿者是指为学校提供无承诺服务的人员, expectation, 或因提供服务而获得补偿的收据,而不是以其他方式受雇于大学其他部门或以学生身份. 就本规则而言,客座讲师、教师或实习生不被视为志愿者.  


电子邮件必须由部门主管提交到 Permits are issued by semester only!


How-To Videos

How To Login To Account

Coming Soon!


How To Add A Vehicle To Existing Permit

Coming Soon!


How To Verify/View Active ePermit

Coming Soon!


How To Buy An ePermit

Coming Soon!


How To Remove A Vehicle From Existing Permit

Coming Soon!